Are you longing for a rhythm of daily prayer and Scripture contemplation, but find yourself easily distracted? Or maybe you already have a rich prayer life, but want to go deeper? The Jesus Way Retreat is a supplemental video guide designed to accompany you through the 9-months spiritual journey found in the book The Jesus Way: Practicing the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. 

The Ignatian Spiritual Exercises are an intensive Christian spiritual formation experience developed by a 16th century pastor, Ignatius of Loyola. The retreat in daily life focuses on the life of Jesus, discernment, inner freedom, prayer, and Scripture reading that shapes the imagination and inspires us to live like Jesus.

Through more than 30 brief videos, spiritual director Karen R. Keen walks alongside you. Experience the retreat individually or grab a friend or small group and experience it together! 

Retreat Program

    1. Welcome!

    2. Meet Karen Keen

    1. Week 1: Images of God

    2. Week 2: God Created You and Loves You

    3. Week 3: Your Relationship with All of Creation

    4. Week 4: Praying for Inner Freedom

    5. Week 5: The Examen: Prayer for Discernment

    6. Week 6: Reviewing the Journey

    1. Week 7: Cosmic, Global, and Historical Dimensions of Sin

    2. Week 8: Remembering God’s Mercy

    3. Week 9: Personal Sin

    4. Week 10: Sin and Mercy: Seeing the Whole Picture

    5. Week 11: Seeking Freedom, Turning from Hindrances

    6. Week 12: Longing for Transformation and God’s Merciful Intervention

    7. Week 13: Reviewing the Journey

    1. Week 14: Anticipating the Journey

    2. Week 15: The Incarnation, Infancy

    3. Week 16: The Incarnation, Childhood

    4. Week 17: Two Standards: God Will vs. Temptation

    5. Week 18: Two Standards, Part 2

    6. Week 19: Humility, Simplicity, and Inner Freedom

    7. Week 20: Getting to Know Jesus

    8. Week 21: Getting to Know Jesus, Part 2

    9. Week 22: Getting to Know Jesus, Part 3

    10. Week 23: Making a Decision in Freedom

    11. Week 24: Reviewing the Journey

    1. Week 25: The Walk to Jerusalem

    2. Week 26: Final Days

    3. Week 27: Arrest and Crucifixion

    4. Week 28: Grieving Death

    5. Week 29: Reviewing the Journey

    1. Week 30: Resurrection Stories

    2. Week 31: Resurrection Stories, Part 2

    3. Week 32: Resurrection Stories, Part 3

    4. Week 33: The Holy Spirit’s Presence and Gifts

    5. Week 34: Contemplation to Attain Love

    6. Week 35: Contemplation to Attain Love, Part 2

    7. Week 36: Reviewing the Journey

  • $49.00


 Karen R. Keen has been a spiritual director for over a decade. She first became intrigued by the Spiritual Exercises while in a training program under the Faithful Companions of Jesus, a community of Catholic sisters in the Ignatian tradition. Later she received training from Michael Dante of the Faber Center for Ignatian Spirituality at Marquette University and from Fr. Howard Gray, SJ. Karen also holds a M.S. in Education (counseling), M.S. in exegetical theology, and Th.M. in biblical studies.


  • What book does this video guide supplement?

    The video guide is designed to be paired with The Jesus Way: Practicing the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises by Karen R. Keen, which you can purchase at most large book outlets. The book provides 36 weeks of daily prayer and Scripture that takes you through an adaptation of Ignatius of Loyola's Spiritual Exercises. You can also access the book material for free at

  • How long will I have access to this video guide?

    You have lifetime access to enjoy this resource well beyond the 9 months of the retreat. "Lifetime" means as long as The Redwood Center for Spiritual Care and Education exists as an entity, which, God willing, we expect to endure for many years to come!

  • How do I purchase this for a small group?

    Each group member will need to register. That will allow everyone to access the materials as needed each week, and it provides participants a helpful resource long after the retreat ends. For best results, a group of no more than 3-5 is recommended. If your church or organization has a large number of people who want to go through the experience, you can create small pods that meet together for about an hour before bringing the larger group together.